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locations / avenue

The fastest way into the holidays landscape Bodensee region


with the car

From direction Stuttgart over the motorway A81 and A98 to Ueberlingen. From direction Ulm, federal highway B30 + B33 over Ravensburg. From direction Nuernberg and Munich over the motorway A96 Memmingen, Kempten, Lindau, B31 to Friedrichshafen.

with the train

Interrain IO and/or regional express connection from direction Basel, Freiburg, open castle, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Ulm, Augsburg directly to station Ravensburg or Friedrichshafen, further with bus or taxi.

with the airplane

Anfahrtsplan Direct flights over Zurich, Frankfurt, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Hamburg, Hanover, Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden to Friedrichshafen, further with the course or taxi.

© 2005-2025 Hotel/Pension Rose. Owner: Gabriela Porubek