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  !! experience card !!

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  for acitve ones

  for flower lovers

  in cold weather

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interactive map
Information to the cycle path in the region Bodensee



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leisure offers / trip goals

The experience card: Key to the unlimited vacation fun at the Bodensee!

Bodenseeerlebniskarte Enjoy your stay at the Bodensee in full courses. Plan your vacation with the Bodensee experience map. Save cash money and time!

With the Bodensee experience card you have free entrance into believe it or not over 190 attractions round around the Bodensee. In the price included for example the flower island Mainau, the Sea Life center Konstanz, the buildings of stakes, the ape mountain, the lock Salem, zeppelin the museum are in Friedrichshafen and so on...

The Bodensee experience map counts itself: Depending upon selection of the trip goals one can save thereby loosely 50% in relation to normal the prices of transportation and entrance. Children under 6 years are even free of charge also from the portion!

Consider: You do not find a better offer!
  • Free entrance with over 190 attractions
  • Free travel on the Bodensee and sea-Rhine

InfoLinde: +49 (0) 7531/90 94 90

Depending upon desire, we advise them gladly personally over various leisure offers.

Markdorf Friedrichshafen Immenstaad Hagnau Meersburg Salem Überlingen Mainau Konstanz Rheinfall Bodenseeschiffahrt Pfänderbahn Pfahlbauten
© 2005-2024 Hotel/Pension Rose. Owner: Gabriela Porubek